"The war you all face is endless. But with your faith in GOD, you can bring armies to its knees".
Full Name
St. Michael the Archangel
Holy Michael, the Archangel
Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; leader of the army of God against the forces of evil.
Unknown(Michael appeared in the 4th century in Catholic sanctuaries )
6' 8
Hair Color
Usually any color(Black or blond) depending on his mood
Eye Color
Glowing bright blue or white
Best Friend
Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel
Worst Enemy
"morning star", "shining one",
"Lucifer", Satan, the devil.
Fave Pastime
Sneaking out of heaven to intervene for humans
Mode of Transportation
Weapon of Choice
Big sword
Other Facts
Satan was once called “Lucifer” or “light-bearer” and sought to usurp God, exalting himself above everyone else. Yet, he was cast down from heaven by Michael the Archangel along with a “third” of the other angels who rebelled against God.
"I command legions of guardian angels, all serving on the first ray of protection, faith and the will of God. Under God's command it was I who cast the devil and his angels out of heaven into the earth.
l daily descend into the astral plane fully arrayed in my mighty blue armor, carrying my shields and sword of blue flame. There I cut free those who have been enslaved and tortured from the demons. Souls unable to rise to higher octaves of service and the wicked of the masters.
I work twenty-four hours a day on these humans rescuing souls from the accumulation of their own human creation over the centuries and also from the projections of the dark ones.
I am determined to never give up protecting children of God from the forces of the Antichrist.
So stop worrying.
Stop questioning.
Stop complaining.
You do that a lot!
You just have to have patience.
Have Faith!
We are always with you."