“Don't throw that good and evil stuff at me. A little secret,There is no good and evil. Are you 'good' because you kill your enemies, but your enemies are 'bad' because they kill you? Human logic is a waste."
Full Name
Mirthalic Nieven
Elf/Dark Elf/Shapeshifter
5' 8 (true form)
Hair Color
pale blonde
Eye Color
yellow (true form)
Significant Other
none but he has a love for his sister even though she is evil
Worst Enemy
Fave Pastime
Playing tricks on humans and causing chaos
Mode of Transportation
Teleportation(because he is not as dark as his sister his powers are limited)
Weapon of Choice
Shape shifting abilities
Character Profile
"I am sneaky demon and can mimic anyone. Just like the wily trickster god of Norse mythology, Loki, I sometimes assists the humans and sometimes I behave in a malicious manner towards them. I harbored a hate for humans eons ago and I too wanted revenge for what they did but my sister has carried it too far. She has aliened herself with a battle that wasn't ours, and has tampered with fate. Now, I have to choose sides.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I read that ancient proverb once. It suggests that two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy.
I'm just trying to figure out which is worse.
My sister.
Or the humans.
But I can't let the world belong to the Ancient Ones.
They would destroy all human life on the planet.
Where would all the fun be in that?
Be glad I'm on your side human, not my sisters."